
Greetings from the strange writer that is myself. I am hoping that the title is quite self explanatory!! Therefore, I say this:

Continue at your own behest!



23/02/2015 21:09
Once again, it's been a long time since I've been on here. I suppose in many ways I forgot that I had this domain. For the past couple of years I've been dealing with a lot of mental health issues and have recently taken the step to get them sorted out and fixed. It had been escalating to dangerous...
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Dragon Towels

22/09/2014 18:46
So last night I had a dragon, much like in How To Train Your Dragon. We kept going out on quests and battling evil. That part of the dream was briiiiiiilliant. It got interrupted by bin trucks though. The second part of the dream, the only part I remember, was that my housemate had swapped all of...
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The Pixy Trickster

25/09/2014 20:03
She's a pixy! Her pointed hat there to cover her pointed earts, and at certain angles, she could be Peter Pan! A pixy, a trickster, whti that glint in her eyes, hinting of mischief unsung, mischief just waiting to be released! Pixy oh pixy, are you here to wreak havoc? 
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Never fear, more upgrades/content will be coming over the next few months!

Check out my other social media sites!

Tumblr:  diaryofadeludedwriter.tumblr.com/
Personal t: justabitofimagination.tumblr.com/

Twitter: twitter.com/dreamsofimagine